Chapter Forty-Five: Remedies for Poisons

Ailments such as bacon, honey mixed with butter or grounded up herbs mixed with wet and dry ingredients are the cure for particular poisons. Most of the known poisons are derived from various creatures of the Sea. And the living things on land could counter the effects of those in the sea. Also, fire is a leading cause of ingesting harmful chemical substances. Surely using goats liver would help. You could counteract the effects of poison by using other poisons. 

It isn't so easy as to just ingest an item easily accessible to man to counteract a deadly poison. Most poisons have evolved, as all living things have, to be more dangerous and harmful. One little dosage is potent enough to kill life quickly. Yes, we have discovered many posionous creatures of the sea, but the land carries just as much poisonous things. Also, drugs contribute to much bodily poisoning. Therefore, certain biochemical drugs have to be developed to counteract such poisons. Some poisons could be consumed to counteract other poisons, however you should be sure it is the right counter or else you would be poisoned on the double. This method is just as risky as injecting other microbes in the body to combat certain microbes like viral and bacterial medicine. The method is dangerous but we also take these measures with careful evaluations to develop our medicine. Technological advances have made it easier to practice and study medicine nowadays. 

Chapter Forty-Five: Remedies for Poisons