Chapter Twenty-Five: Ten Remedies Derived from the Lion

Who knew that not only humans as living things can offer much to medicine but also Lions could! Consuming lion fat could save you from freezing temperatures and wild beasts will stay away from people blessed by its fat. Those who consume parts of a lion are favourable to the rich. Not only would it grant such favour, it will also cure epilepsy. However, be wary for you should run immediately after digesting any part of the lion for they would not be digested properly without it. 

Lion body parts do actually contribute much to medicine. Yet, it is not impactful and has little to no use in western medicine. Eastern medicine uses lions, whereas western medicine has alternative ways. Plus, ethical laws against poaching steer us away from using lion oil as we would use fish oil. Lion fat could have possibly saved its victims from freezing but maybe because it was fatty and put alot more skin on its subjects to keep them warm. Consuming Lion might grant you more favor amongst the rich partly because lions were harder to kill back then compared to now. It may have demonstrated power or might to kill a Lion, that may entirely be why people were favorable or why wild beasts would "fly away." They thought of consuming the king of the jungle as an act to ward off predators and attract people. It doesn't necassarily cure epilepsy because that can't be cured and doesnt require you to run immediately after eating to digest. However, Pliny's vision of Lion as medicine follows up with the traditional way of medicine. Traditional medicine is, again, less practical and ineffective today but may be relevant in unknown tribes. 

Chapter Twenty-Five: Ten Remedies Derived from the Lion